Most of us can pretty clearly remember where we were when we heard or saw the news. It was a moment unlike anything many of us had ever experienced. Sadly, many lives were lost. I don't think that 9-11 was all for nothing. During the weeks that followed our nation changed. We united as friends. We spent more time with the ones we loved. Took that extra second to hug goodbye. Our bubble of always counting on tomorrow was popped for the better.
I wish that all this was true, but it seems many have forgotten the impact of that sad day. Innocent people died. Moms, dads, siblings, and children all left their home like any other day. They all had no clue that they wouldn't have a tomorrow. If only for today pay tribute to the lives lost, the lives saved, and the amazing men and women who gave what they could by simply enjoying today. Give your love ones a hug, do a good deed, send a friendly smile to a stranger. Let's simply unit for a day! Let's remember that we aren't invincible as much as we all want to pretend we are. We are all only human.
To those who lost love ones I pray that you find peace.
Never forget!
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