Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy October!

Welcome to fall! This month my topic will be Moms! The good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between! Although I love fall, the falling, the cold mornings, and curling up with a warm cup of tea there is plenty I don't like. I live in Oregon and here fall = rain (lots and lots of it), which means the kids and I spend a lot of time indoors.

I try really hard to keep us busy and away from the TV. I admit there are days that I fail at this, but I give myself major props for the days that I keep us away. My mornings are easy. My son goes to preschool and my daughter and I run errands, enjoy play dates, playing at home, and doing little 20 month old approved projects. At the moment she is really into play dough!

This past week my fun plans were put aside as we try to battle our unwanted house guests. Our home has been invaded by ants! It's a battle that we seem to be loosing. I have bought every killer the stores have to offer. Most work, but only for a day or two. I have even tried a few homemade methods. Some we are still in active mode of trying. Really hoping that something works.

This weekend will be exciting for the kids and we plan to decorate the front porch for Halloween! My son with be four this month and is really excited about decorating. My daughter is excited simple because her big brother is!

This morning I came across an article about car seats. The NHTSA has come out with new guidelines (not laws) about the use and age of each seat. I have added the link for those of you with littles still in them. To sum it up the article children are recommended to rear face until up to age 3 (which near eliminates the possibility of internal decapitation in a collision) in either an infant seat (up to 12 months) or a convertible (up to age 4) then to ride forward facing and harnessed until about 7, then in a back booster or backless booster depending on your car model and your child's weight and height until up to 12. With all children riding in the backseat until 12.

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