Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lessons learned at the fire station! *A MUST READ

Today was a pretty exciting day in our household! My little guy went on his first field trip! We went to visit the local fire station. The kids all had a great time! All the moms that went along to help out knew that the kids would be learning something, but all the moms ended up getting a few tips as well!

If you have kids 9 and under here are a few things that you should know, try, and teach your kids. FYI we were told that it is best to teach kids between the ages of 9-12 how to get out of the house in the event of the fire and where to meet the family. Under that age the children tend to be too young to understand and process information long enough to remember everything.

Tips for you little ones and your family
  • Keep the doors to the bedrooms closed at night. This buys you time to get to the kids. It keeps the smoke out and leaves them in a safer place.

  • If they can't get out of their bed talk to them about staying in their beds and yelling for you when they hear the smoke alarm. This way they don't go and try to find you.

  • Teach them how to test the door before opening it incase they try to go out. Have the touch the actual door and not the nob. If it's warm they should go and sit next to their window.

  • Teach them about the fireman super hero and what his super hero outfit looks like. Also let them know how the fireman super hero will sounds. Their air mask makes a Darth Vader sound.

  • Talk to your kids about how they need to go with the fireman should one come in during an emergency. You want them to know that these are real super hero's and here to help. You don't want them to run from them or hide.

  • If you have multiple kids in multiple rooms or kids sleeping on another floor know your fire plan. Have a plan in place incase there is a fire on the first floor, second floor, garage, or what not.

  • If there are multiple adults in the home have a plan on who is responsible for which kid. For example in my home I go to my daughter and my husband goes to my son.

All in all the trip was a success. The kids saw what the firemen do to get ready for an emergency and saw them in full gear. Some kids were scared, but once they watched him undress and redress step by step into his uniform they understood that is was a real person in safety gear.

Hope this helps :)

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