Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One of my horrible mommy moments

Yesterday was definitely a no good very bad day in my little world. I truly don't know what I was thinking when I scheduled my sons four year doctor appointment for an afternoon when I would have to bring both kids! Just to add a notch in my bad day my 20 month old decided that yesterday was the perfect day not to nap. FYI naps are at 11:30 AM  and the appointment was at 3 PM. True to form we ended up waiting for 30 minutes until we could make it back to our room. The kids easily entertained themselves playing with the toys in the lobby while I cringed at all the sick germs I'm sure were floating around.

Once we finally got back into the room we waited yet again. He was weighed and measured. This was something he was very excited about. He couldn't wait to see how big he would be as a four year old. The doctor came in and did his thing, asked his questions and was out the door in less then 10 minutes. Then the nurse came and all hell broke out. Kai was going to have 3 shots. Thankfully he is now all caught up and even ready for school, meaning no shots until he is much older.

Back to hell...I place Mia in one of the waiting chairs and go to help the nurse. She has Kai lay on the table with his legs hanging over the edge. I am to keep his upper body down and hold his wrist. The first shot goes and he lets out a shriek. This freaks Mia out, but I can't go to her because Kai is moving and wants everything to stop. The second shot goes in followed very quickly by the third. At this point Mia is in full freak out mode and Kai is pissed, crying, and screaming. I am trying my best to tell Mia it's okay while trying to calm Kai down.

Once the nurse left I picked up Kai and dresses him quickly before picking him up and sitting next to Mia. I spent awhile holding both and trying to calm them down. They seemed to be feeding off each other so the calming process took awhile. My nerves are shot at this point. I felt horrible that my daughter was crying in fear and I couldn't just grab her and comfort her. I felt horrible that my son was freaking out and that I was having to hold him down.

Once the crying was over I got everyone put back together and left. We ended the horrible trip with a quick stop and McDonalds for strawberry milkshakes. My weak attempt at trying to make everything better. I wish I could say that my night ended on a good note, but Mia didn't want to sleep and Kai kept waking up a lot. So I have no sleep and I think Kai actually has a cold. :(

Here is hoping to a better tomorrow and lots of coffee!


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